Corporate investments
The MCA is currently indirectly involved in companies ranging from procurement, industrial services, information technology, financial services, sensor technology, venture capital, real estate, asset management.
Indirect investments:
Camkan Invest LLC Camkan Invest is the family office and the family holding company of the Family Negel.
On 16 June 2010, in the open market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN: A0JCY3 / ISIN: DE000A0JCY37) merged listed ce GLOBAL SOUCING AG and HPI GmbH. The merger creates HPI AG, a leading European purchasing and process service provider with a high level of industry expertise in the electronics, automotive, aerospace / defence, chemical and pharmaceutical industries
By 2013, the HPI AG completed a rapid growth of 15 million euros in sales per annum (2010) to approx. 115 Mio. Euro sales p.a. (2013). Companies were acquired or majority participations in companies were carried out. The HPI Group came from MRL Mannesmannröhren GmbH (Procurement Indirect Material of Industry), 3KV GmbH (IT Procurement and Nischendistribution), Azego AG (Chip Procurement), REW Solar AG (Procurement Photovoltaics) and TND AG (IT Procurement) Rapid growth also entailed major extraordinary costs and investments. New larger logistics Centre, new software systems, This led to increased liquidity requirements for the investments, which resulted in the inflow of capital to the holding company, HPI AG.
HPI AG was in the restructuring from 2013 to 2015. The CEO succeeded in convincing a new investor for the company. The liabilities were partially reduced by waiver, partially converted into shares. , The so-called “Debt to equity swaps” entered into the year 2017. Similarly, some subsidiaries / participations were sold. In essence, the subsidiary company 3KV LTD remains a key investment under the HPI holding company.
MCA is indirectly the second largest shareholder of HPI AG (via Camkan Invest LLC). M. Negel has been the Executive Board of today’s HPI AG (former ce Consumer Electronic AG) for 14 years, including ten years as CEO. After a total of 30 years of activity in various management positions for HPI AG / CE Consumer Electronic AG, this period was terminated in June 2015 with a contract expiry.
Financier of commercial claims of the middle class. Allows medium-sized companies to meet long-term payment targets for their customers with fast liquidity. MCA is one of the founding shareholders of Skonto AG.
Hotel Bayerpost Munich GmbH & Co. KG
The company belongs to the Hotel Bayerpost in Munich in Bayerstraße 12.
A 5 star hotel operated by the Sofitel Group.
MCA is an indirect limited partner of Hotel Bayerpost Munich GmbH & Co. KG.
Wellington Partners
Wellington Partners is one of the most successful pan-European venture capital firms. With a fund volume of around 800 million euros and offices in London, Munich, Palo Alto and Zurich, Wellington is investing in young companies with the potential of a global market leadership, especially in the areas of digital media, cleantech, electronics, software, medical technology, diagnostics and biotechnology.
MCA is indirectly involved in an important VC fund from Wellington.
Voltwerk Solarpark 16 GmbH & Co. KG:
Einer der ersten Solarparks Deutschlands mit 35 Gesellschafter
3KV GmbH
Neue Weltsicht VisionGate.TV GmbH
Speedlab AG
SpeedLab develops mathematical algorithms for the financial industry. Financial products from SpeedLab are suitable for the short, medium and long-term investment of assets. The highest value is placed on the risk management and as a result the portfolios have a low volatility with an above-average Sharpe ratio. Since June 1, 2016, the “Speedlab Robo Trade Funds” has been listed on the stock exchange under the ISIN: MT7000015053, WKN: A142UR
MCA indirectly holds 4.7% of the shares of SpeedLab AG. Michael Negel is Managing Director of SpeedLab Deutschland GmbH
Ioannis Poimenides/ CIO SpeedLab, Michael Negel/ Managing Partner SpeedLab,
Marcus Boehm/CEO SpeedLab Donner-Reuschel-Bank March 2017
Believe in Style GbR
Believe in Style is a start-up company in the area of “Creative Image Transformation”. In the form of a “silent participation”, MCA holds minority interests and, with its network, experience and advice, supports the management of Believe in Style.